What will kids learn in this course?

Students learn to use block-based programming languages during our Advanced algorithms course to create interactive stories, games, and animations. This way, kids gain experience in basic programming and can inspire each other by sharing their projects.

Why learn advanced algorithms with Berlitz Digital School?

Our advanced algorithms courses give students the skills and knowledge they need to tackle more complex tasks in the future. To ensure that students have a solid understanding of key concepts, we combine Scratch's curriculum with our own study program, and we give students the freedom to learn and explore in the way that works best for them. With continuous practice and plenty of projects and challenges to overcome, students will be able to create advanced, high-quality games.
Girl in glasses holding her laptop while learning about programming concepts and logic with Berlitz Digital School's coding classes for kids.

How are our classes structured?

After getting familiar with Scratch, students will learn about movements, broadcasts, cloning, and variables. They will practice creating obstacles, hidden lines, gravity, and scrolling backgrounds within a game and move to more complex challenges throughout the course.
Students in a beginner coding class for children learning about algorithms.

Getting familiar with key concepts

By the end of the course, students will:

  • understand the basics of programming concepts and logic, such as algorithms, variables, loops, and conditionals
  • create their own sprites, stages, sounds, and so on
  • be familiar with broadcasting, cloning, hidden lines, and scrolling background work
  • apply these concepts in more advanced games
  • know how to use Scratch to create interactive stories, games, and animations
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Group of students having a discussion during a coding class for beginners.

Course Details

38 modules included

50.5 hours of class material

tools/software needed: Scratch

a personal and a group project and challenges throughout the course and a Hackathon at the end

Class formats

A group of students in front of a computer learning how to code with their instructor in an in-person programming course for children with Berlitz Digital School.


  • at one of our Digital School locations
  • private classes – up to 3 students
  • group classes – 15-18 students
  • enjoy face-to-face interactions
Contact us
A girl with headphones sitting on a couch and learning programming for kids with Berlitz Digital School online on her laptop.


  • from anywhere
  • private classes – up to 3 students
  • group classes – 15-18 students
  • save time on commuting
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Berlitz Digital School methodology

What makes our teaching method unique?

Developing patience and problem-solving skills

Theory and instruction are provided, but students work independently to solve programming challenges to enhance their patience and problem-solving skills.

Learning through trial and error

We don’t provide the final solution to the programming problems or projects. Instead, we encourage students to think freely, make mistakes, learn from them, and find the answer on their own.

Receiving supportive guidance

When students encounter a difficulty, our trained instructors help them solve the problem by breaking it down on the whiteboard.

Building creativity

Kids practice and increase their creativity by working on projects, games, and applications. And because there is no one-stop answer, children put into practice the theory they have learned during the lessons. The final result is higher-quality, less buggy games and apps.

A comprehensive learning path

Students must complete one level in order to progress to the next level since the concepts taught in our courses are interrelated. This ensures that students have a solid foundation in all of the key programming ideas and principles. They will also learn critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are necessary for success in the digital age.

Result-oriented approach

Each lesson begins with a 5-minute summary of the session before moving on to a 10-minute discussion of new ideas. Then, students will spend the entire class practicing what they learned in previous lessons. Following the course, students might do short exercises in the LMS, a Kahoot quiz to recap all they have learned or get further challenges.

Expert instructors

Our instructors have extensive knowledge of delivering engaging courses to help students understand and implement complex programming topics. With our classes, students get a solid foundation in the latest skills and technologies. They also benefit from the insights of instructors with real-world experience, which may help them develop successful careers in the IT business.

Why should kids learn with Berlitz Digital School?

Content designed for all levels

We offer lessons for kids of all ability levels. We have certified and experienced teachers who can teach your kid the basics of programming as well as more advanced topics like game design and web building.

Guaranteed fun in our houses

Students take a personality test before the classes begin to be assigned to a house with peers who share their values and passions. They can participate in challenges and activities to gain experience and even run for office in their house's government. The best students from each house are rewarded with prizes at the end of the year.

A unique teaching method

Our classes reflect the importance of practice in the learning process. We believe that making mistakes is essential to exploring a new field, and we allow our students to experiment freely when met with a problem. This method not only improves the problem-solving skills of our students but also makes them more patient when they face an issue. To encourage our students to find individual solutions, our instructors provide guidance by breaking down the solution on a whiteboard.

Projects and extra activities

Students can enjoy a wide range of exercises and activities with us. During the lessons, kids have a chance to apply their skills in practice and complete various challenges, as well as solo and group projects. To assist them in learning and improving as a programmer, we also offer extracurricular activities like hackathons and coding competitions.