Programming and technology are second nature to today’s children, who are surrounded by it in every aspect of their lives. For this tech-savvy generation, learning how technology works and how to control it is essential. Our coding activities for kids are different from our regular classes and allow them to develop their critical, logical, and creative thinking skills by creating the games they imagine and understanding the logic behind the programs they use. Through extracurricular activities, we encourage children to stay curious and learn about their interests.


Students in front on a building chatting about their summer camp with Berlitz Digital School..

Summer camps

  • Available for all levels of students.
  • Organized from 8:30-16:30 on weekdays.
  • One/Two weeks of gaining knowledge and experience.
  • Topics cover interesting subjects such as: Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Online Streaming, Entrepreneurship, 3D Game Development, and E-Sports.
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Students looking at wires and learning how computers work during their extracurricular activities with Berlitz Digital School.

Other coding activities for kids

  • A variety of camps, fests, competitions, and other events are organized to allow children to gain more experience in specific fields.
  • Children can improve their digital and soft skills simultaneously by engaging with peers who are interested in the same things as them.
  • All students of Digital School can apply.
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Berlitz Digital School methodology

What makes our teaching method unique?

Developing patience and problem-solving skills

Theory and instruction are provided, but students work independently to solve programming challenges to enhance their patience and problem-solving skills.

Learning through trial and error

We don’t provide the final solution to the programming problems or projects. Instead, we encourage students to think freely, make mistakes, learn from them, and find the answer on their own.

Receiving supportive guidance

When students encounter a difficulty, our trained instructors help them solve the problem by breaking it down on the whiteboard.

Building creativity

Kids practice and increase their creativity by working on projects, games, and applications. And because there is no one-stop answer, children put into practice the theory they have learned during the lessons. The final result is higher-quality, less buggy games and apps.